"This book will be important for those interested in Black girls’ and women’s education, minorities and STEM education, and the development of girls and women in STEM careers. It fills a void in teacher education and higher education. For anyone working in community-based organizations that serve to increase the capacity of girls in math, it will prove to be an asset."
Venus Evans-Winters, professor and author of Teaching Black Girls
"With its focus on strategies and recommendations to improve mathematics attainment among Black girls and women, this book is groundbreaking."
Jacqueline Leonard, professor emeritus of elementary and early childhood education, University of Wyoming
Joseph’s book is a comprehensive and forceful account of the ways that current educational practices devalue Black girls rather than positioning them as flourishing mathematical thinkers. She offers a compelling, potent, and joyful vision for Black girl education that is grounded in research, thoughtful, and full of heart.
Francis Su, former President, Mathematical Association of America and author of Mathematics for Human Flourishing